The Palmerton Area School District’s Wellness Committee is an advisory group that is responsible for developing, reviewing, and updating the district’s wellness policy.  The Wellness Committee will periodically make recommended policy changes for the school board’s review and approval.  Additionally, the Wellness Committee will complete a triennial assessment as required by the PA Department of Education.

Committee meetings are scheduled on an as-needed basis.  Please click here to view committee meeting documents and information.

Guests are welcome to attend these committee meetings but must pre-register by emailing Jackie McCandless, Secretary to the Superintendent, at  To ensure that appropriate social distancing can occur, only pre-registered guests will be allowed to attend this meeting.  Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

2021 Committee Members

Name Position/Role Building/Location
Carol Andrews Teacher Senior High
Michelle Bisbing School Nurse Parkside
Rich DeSocio Principal Junior High
Ryan Kish Acting Superintendent Parkside Admin. Offices
Andrew Goodbred Physician SLUHN
Paula Husar Principal Senior High
Mary Jo King Secretary & Parent Parkside Admin. Offices
Christine Steigerwalt Principal Towamensing
Timothy Kleintop School Nurse Towamensing
Audrey Larvey School Board Member n/a
Rose LeVan Food Services Director Metz Catering
Emma Martinez Student Senior High
Joshua Rake Teacher Junior High
Tammy Recker School Board Member n/a
Kyle Sebelin Student Senior High
Lisa Snell-Kern Parent Senior High
Megan Zurn School Nurse S. S. Palmer
Laura Thomas School Nurse Junior High & Senior High